HMS Servio. Receptionist En — различия между версиями

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(The program hangs)
(не показаны 37 промежуточные версии 1 участника)
Строка 399: Строка 399:
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Invoice card. Payment'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Invoice card. Payment'''</center>  
The invoice can be paid in full or in part, including by different payment methods. For example, part of the amount in cash, the remainder by bank card. In case of partial payment, the payment amount is entered in the "Payment amount" field.If you made a mistake with the payment method, process the [[#refund|refund]], then pay with the correct method.
The invoice can be paid in full or in part, including by different payment methods. For example, part of the amount in cash, the remainder by bank card. In case of partial payment, the payment amount is entered in the "Payment amount" field.If you made a mistake with the payment method, process the [[#Refund|refund]], then pay with the correct method.
Ask the guest about the payment method. '''Be sure''' to wait for the payment! Only after you have received the cash in hand or made sure that the check has been approved by the bank terminal, select the payment type - '''Cash''' or '''Credit card''' - and click the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Pay}}.
Ask the guest about the payment method. '''Be sure''' to wait for the payment! Only after you have received the cash in hand or made sure that the check has been approved by the bank terminal, select the payment type - '''Cash''' or '''Credit card''' - and click the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Pay}}.
Строка 415: Строка 415:
After payment, the invoice must be closed by clicking {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Close_account.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Close invoice}}.
After payment, the invoice must be closed by clicking {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Close_account.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Close invoice}}.
==== Пересчёт начислений (изменение периода, продление проживания) ====
==== Recalculation of charges (change of period, extension of stay) ====
<span ID="Пересчёт начислений"></span>
<span ID="Recalculation of accruals"></span>
В случае изменения периода пребывания гостя, а также в некоторых других случаях может измениться стоимость проживания. В этом случае при сохранении карты появится сообщение: «''Внимание! Данные изменения приведут к изменению стоимости проживания гостя. При необходимости воспользуйтесь пересчетом начислений''».
If the guest's stay period changes, as well as in some other cases, the cost of accommodation may change. In this case, when saving the card, the following message will appear: "''Attention! These changes will lead to a change in the cost of the guest's stay. If necessary, use the recalculation of accruals''".
Перейдите на вкладку «Начисления» и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_pays2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Пересчитать начисления}} (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic.30|рисунке]]). Откроется окно «Пересчет начислений».
Accruals will be recalculated automatically. However, it is possible to recalculate accruals manually, but only for automatically calculated accruals.<br/> '''''Accruals entered manually are not recalculated automatically.'''''
<span id="Pic.30"> </span> [[File:Accrual_recount.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Accrual_recount.png}}|Пересчёт начислений. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
Go to the "Accruals" tab and click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_pays2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Recalcute accruals}} (see '''1''' in [[#Pic.30|figure]]). The "Accrual recalculation" window will open.<br/> The accruals included in the invoices are highlighted in green.
<span id="Pic.30"> </span> [[File:Accrual_recount_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Accrual_recount_EN.png}}|Accrual recalulation. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Пересчёт начислений'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Accrual recalculation'''</center>
Выделите все начисления (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.30|рисунке]]) и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_prices.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Пересчитать цены}} (см. '''3''' на [[#Pic.30|рисунке]]). Программа выполнит расчёт цен в соответствии с обновлёнными данными по периоду проживания гостя.
If prices have changed, then select all accruals (see '''2''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]) and click the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_prices.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Price recalculation}} button (see '''3''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]). The program will calculate prices in accordance with the updated data for the guest's stay.
Ещё раз выделите все начисления (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.30|рисунке]]) и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_pays2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Пересчитать начисления}} (см. '''4''' на [[#Pic.30|рисунке]]). Программа пересчитает начисления в соответствии с изменениями в карте гостя (см. [[#Pic.31|рисунок]]).
Then select all accruals again (see '''2''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]) and click the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_pays2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Accruals recalculation}} button (see '''4''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]). The program will recalculate accruals in accordance with the changes in the guest card (see [[#Pic.31|picture]]).
<span id="Pic.31"> </span> [[File:Accrual_recount_1.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Accrual_recount_1.png}}|Пересчёт начислений. Результат. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
If the prices have not changed, there is no need to recalculate them (see '''3''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]). It is sufficient to recalculate only the charges (see '''4''' in the [[#Pic.30|picture]]).
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Пересчёт начислений. Результат'''</center>
Закройте окно «Пересчет начислений», щёлкнув по кнопке [[File:CloseWindow.png|20px]]. Начисления добавятся в область «Неоплаченные начисления».
Close the "Recalculate Accruals" window by clicking the '''X''' button. The accruals will be added to the "Unpaid Accruals" area.
Далее, по стандартной процедуре, формируете и оплачиваете счёт.
Next, following the standard procedure, you generate and pay the invoice.
==== Разделение оплаты между гостями ====
==== Splitting the payment between guests ====
В некоторых случаях гости, проживающие в одном номере, просят разделить оплату между ними. В программе эту операцию можно выполнить двумя способами: разделить начисления или разделить счёт. С целью передачи гостям актов подтверждения проживания использовать разделение счёта не имеет смысла, так как бухгалтерия формирует акт на основании счёта и, если оплата произведена всеми гостями по одному счёту, даже отдельными чеками, акт всё равно будет один.
In some cases, guests staying in the same room ask to split the payment between them. In the program, this operation can be performed in two ways: split the charges or split the bill. It makes no sense to use splitting the bill for the purpose of transmitting the acts of confirmation of stay to the guests, since the accounting department generates the act based on the bill and, if the payment is made by all guests on the same bill, even with separate checks, the act will still be one.
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = В любом случае, разделение счёта возможно только, если в счёте нет чеков.}}
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = In any case, splitting an account is only possible if there are no receipts on the account.}}
Если акт не требуется, и гостям достаточно отдать только счета, вы можете вывести печатную форму в редактор — Word, Excel (см. [[#Pic.19|рисунок]]) — и откорректировать документы вручную.
If the act is not required, and guests only need to be given the bills, you can print the form in an editor - Word, Excel (see [[#Pic.19|figure]]) - and correct the documents manually.
<span id="Pic.19"> </span> [[File:Bill_print.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_print.png}}|Вывод печатной формы в редактор для последующей корректировки. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.19"> </span> [[File:Bill_print_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_print_EN.png}}|Output of the printed form to the editor for subsequent correction. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Вывод печатной формы в редактор для последующей корректировки'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Output of the printed form to the editor for subsequent correction'''</center>  
'''Разделение начислений'''
'''Splitting accruals'''
Отметьте начисление, которое нужно разделить между гостями (выделить начисление можно как на начальном этапе, так и в процессе разделения) и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Charge_divide.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Разделить начисления}} (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic.20|рисунке]]).
Mark the accrual that needs to be divided between guests (you can select the accrual both at the initial stage and during the division process) and click the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Charge_divide.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Split accruals}} (see '''1''' in [[#Pic.20|figure]]).
<span id="Pic.20"> </span> [[File:Bill_devide.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_devide.png}}|Разделение начислений между гостями. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.20"> </span> [[File:Bill_devide_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_devide_EN.png}}|Splitting accruals between guests. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Разделение начислений между гостями'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Splitting accruals between guests'''</center>  
Если не отметили начисление для разделения на начальном этапе, отметьте их в окне «Разделение начислений», проверьте количество частей, на которые требуется их разделить и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|BackgroundColor=#CAFF99|TextColor=Black|Text=Применить}} (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.20|рисунке]]).
Splitting accruals between guests
Откроется следующее окно «Разделение начислений» для управления суммой и разделения суммы между гостями. По умолчанию программа предлагает разделить сумму выбранных начислений на заданное количество частей поровну. Однако, вы можете изменять входные параметры (см. '''3''' на [[#Pic.20|рисунке]]). В любом случае, разделена будет именно сумма выбранных начислений. По окончании нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Завершить}}.
If you did not mark the accruals for splitting at the initial stage, mark them in the "Splitting accruals" window, check the number of parts into which you need to split them and click the {{Btn|BackgroundColor=#CAFF99|TextColor=Black|Text=Apply}} button (see '''2''' in the [[#Fig.20|figure]]).
В результате деления каждое из выбранных начислений будет разделено на заданные вами части: суммы первоначальных начислений будут уменьшены и создадутся новые начисления на оставшиеся суммы. Сформируйте несколько счетов, отметив нужные начисления для каждого счёта.
The following window "Splitting accruals" will open to manage the amount and split the amount between guests. By default, the program offers to split the amount of selected accruals into a specified number of parts equally. However, you can change the input parameters (see '''3''' in the [[#Pic.20|picture]]). In any case, the amount of selected accruals will be split. When finished, click the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Finish}} button.
==== Возврат ====
As a result of the division, each of the selected accruals will be divided into the parts you specified: the amounts of the initial charges will be reduced and new accruals will be created for the remaining amounts. Create several invoices, marking the required accruals for each invoice.
Если гость отказывается от проживания или в случае ошибки в типе оплаты, нужно провести операцию возврата.
==== Refund ====
Перейдите к редактированию счёта, щёлкнув по кнопке [[File:Edit.png|x20px|link=]] в списке в строке с нужным счётом. Если счёт был закрыт откройте его, нажав на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Open_account.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Открыть счет}} в карте счёта.
If the guest cancels the stay or if there is an error in the payment type, a refund operation must be carried out.
'''Важно'''! Возврат производится по тому же типу, что и оплата.
Proceed to account editing by clicking on the [[File:Edit.png|x20px|link=]] button in the list in the row with the required invoice. If the invoice was closed, open it by clicking on the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Open_account.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Open invoice}} button in the invoice card.
Для возврата перейдите на вкладку «Оплата/Возврат». Щёлкните по чеку оплаты в списке чеков (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic.21|рисунке]]). Чек выделится розовой фоновой заливкой и в списке начислений отобразятся начисления, оплаченные выделенным чеком. Если возврат частичный, оставьте отметку только у начислений, по которым производится возврат (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.21|рисунке]]). Проверьте в правой части окна тип оплаты и сумму позиций к возврату.
'''Important'''! Refunds are generally made using the same payment method. If you require a refund using a different payment method, please contact our support team.
<span id="Pic.21"> </span> [[File:Refund.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Refund.png}}|Возврат средств. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
To make a refund, go to the "Payment/Refund" tab. Click on the payment receipt in the list of receipts (see '''1''' in the [[#Pic.21|picture]]). The receipt will be highlighted with a pink background and the list of accruals will display the accruals paid with the selected receipt. If the refund is partial, leave a mark only next to the accruals for which the refund is made (see '''2''' in the [[#Pic.21|picture]]). Check the payment type and the amount of items to be refunded in the right part of the window.
<span id="Pic.21"> </span> [[File:Refund_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Refund_EN.png}}|Возврат средств. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Возврат средств'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Refund'''</center>  
Нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Money_back.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Вернуть деньги}}.
Click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Money_back.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Return payment}}.
Откроется окно с информацией по возврату и запросом причины аннуляции. Проверьте чек возврата и выберите причину аннуляции. При необходимости введите комментарий (см. [[#Pic.22|рисунок]]).
A window will open with information about the return and a request for a reason for cancellation. Check the return receipt and select a reason for cancellation. If necessary, enter a comment (see [[#Pic.22|picture]]).
<span id="Pic.22"> </span> [[File:Refund_receipt.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Refund_receipt.png}}|Информация по чеку возврата. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.22"> </span> [[File:Refund_receipt_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Refund_receipt_EN.png}}|Information on the return receipt. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Информация по чеку возврата'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Information on the return receipt'''</center>  
На ФР распечатается чек возврата прихода и в ''Системе'' сформируется чек возврата.
A receipt for the return of the receipt will be printed on the cash register and a return receipt will be generated in the System.
Если возврат проводился из-за неверно выбранного типа оплаты, снова сформируйте чек оплаты, но уже с правильным типом.
If the refund was made due to an incorrectly selected payment type, generate a payment receipt again, but with the correct type.
Затем, на вкладке «Карта счета» загрузите сканы документов, на основании которых произведён возврат: заявление от гостя, служебная записка и пр. (см. [[#Pic.23|рисунок]]).
On the “Invoice Card” tab, you can upload scans of the documents on the basis of which the refund was made on the field "Invoice documents": a statement from a guest, a memo, etc..
<span id="Pic.23"> </span> [[File:Bill_doct_uppload.png|center|border|x320px|link={{filepath:Bill_doct_uppload.png}}|Загрузка документов-оснований возврата. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
In any case, after finishing working with the invoice, it must be closed.
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Загрузка документов-оснований возврата'''</center>
В любом случае, по окончании работы со счётом, его нужно закрыть.
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = An invoice cannot be closed if it has a non-zero balance or if there are unpaid accruals.}}
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = Счёт нельзя закрыть, если по нему не нулевой баланс или есть неоплаченные начисления.}}
If the refund was made due to the guest refusing the services and the amount on the invoice is zero, the unpaid accruals must be removed from the invoice.
Если возврат проводился по причине отказа гостя от услуг и сумма по счёту равна нулю, нужно удалить из счёта неоплаченные начисления.
==== Printing an invoice ====
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]] |текст = Возврат по броням, сделанным не администраторами — сайт, сотрудники отдела продаж — выполняется отделом продаж. Если гость сообщает вам об отмене бронирования, передайте эту информацию в отдел продаж.}}
If the guests requests a document confirming their stay, go to the "Print Invoice" tab (see [[#Pic.24|picture]]). An "Invoice for Payment" document will be generated automatically. Print it (see '''3''' in [[#Pic.24|picture]]) and stamp it.
==== Печать счёта ====
If you do not have a seal, a template with the organization's seal and the manager's signature can be prepared.<br/> Documents can be printed in different forms. Select the desired template (see '''1''' in the [[#Pic.24|picture]]), generate a new document by clicking the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Make_account.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|Text=Generate report}} button (see '''2''' in the [[#Pic.24|picture]]) and print it. <br/>To develop a print template, contact the support team.
Если гость просит документ, подтверждающий проживание, перейдите на вкладку «Печать счета» (см. [[#Pic.24|рисунок]]). Автоматически сформируется документ «Счёт на оплату». Распечатайте его (см. '''3''' на [[#Pic.24|рисунке]]) и поставьте печать.
Если печати нет в наличии, выберите шаблон «Счет на оплату с печатью» (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic.24|рисунке]]), сформируйте новый документ по кнопке {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Make_account.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|Text=Сформировать счет}} (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.24|рисунке]]) и распечатайте его.
<span id="Pic.24"> </span> [[File:Bill_card_print_EN.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_card_print_EN.png}}|Invoice card. Printing invoice. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.24"> </span> [[File:Bill_card_print.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Bill_card_print.png}}|Карта счета. Печать счета. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Карта счета. Печать счета'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Invoice card. Printing invoice'''</center>
==== Доп. услуги без проживания гостя (целевые счета) ====
==== Additional services without guest accommodation (target accounts) ====
Помимо услуг проживания гостям отеля могут оказываться дополнительные услуги или продаваться сопутствующие товары без оформления проживания гостя. В этом случае оплату следует проводить через целевые счета.
In addition to accommodation services, hotel guests may be provided with additional services or sold related goods without registering the guest's stay. In this case, payment should be made through target accounts.
На главной странице перейдите на вкладку «Целевые счета» и выберите тип счёта «Дополнительные услуги» (см. [[#Pic.25|рисунок]]).
On the main page, go to the “Target accounts” tab and select the “Additional services” account type (see [[#Pic.25|figure]]).
<span id="Pic.25"> </span> [[File:Tarjet_account.png|center|border|x140px|link={{filepath:Tarjet_account.png}}|Целевые счета. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.25"> </span> [[File:Tarjet_account_EN.png|center|border|x140px|link={{filepath:Tarjet_account_EN.png}}|Target accounts. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Целевые счета'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Target accounts'''</center>  
Откроется вкладка «Начисления», аналогичная начислениям в карте гостя (см. [[#Pic.15|рисунок]]). Порядок работы также не отличается от добавления начислений вручную в карте гостя с последующим формированием счёта и оплатой.
The "Accruals" tab will open, similar to the accruals in the guest card (see [[#Pic.15|figure]]). The procedure is also no different from adding accruals manually in the guest card with subsequent invoice generation and payment.
==== Мероприятия ====
==== Activities ====
В КДО для непродолжительных пребываний используются комнаты отдыха. Данные размещения согласовываются с региональным руководителем.
Activities are a service for holding various meetings: conferences, seminars, lectures, etc.
Оформляются размещения гостей в виде мероприятий без формирования карт гостей, анкет и пр. Так как для нахождения в Комнатах отдыха карты гостей и анкеты заполнять не требуется, эти комнаты добавлены в Мероприятия.
The activity venues are entered in the "Sales/Services and activities/Activities" submodule, where information on the venues' work schedule is filled in, data on seating types with the maximum number of people, standard sets of equipment and consumables, previously entered in the "Sales/Hotel inventory" submodule, are entered. Access to the Sales submodule is set in user roles.
В шахматке на вкладке «Шахматка 2.0» или «Почасовая шахматка» (более удобная для краткосрочных бронирований) обычным способом формируете бронь (см. [[#Pic.26|рисунок]]).
<span id="Pic.26"> </span> [[File:Activity.png|center|border|x250px|link={{filepath:Activity.png}}|Бронирование мероприятия. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Бронирование мероприятия'''</center>
В карте Мероприятия:
In the room calendar on the “Room calendar 2.0” or “Hourly room calendar” tab (more convenient for short-term reservation), you create a reservation in the usual way (see [[#Pic.26|picture]]).
* проверяете дату и продолжительность пребывания гостя (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic27|рисунке]]);
* вводите название мероприятия: ФИО гостя, например (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.27|рисунке]]);
* проверяете выбранный прейскурант. По умолчанию подставляется прейскурант «КМИР» или с другим понятным названием комнаты отдыха со стоимостью за 1 час пребывания;
* сохраняете карту мероприятия по кнопке {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Save.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Сохранить}}.
<span id="Pic.27"> </span> [[File:Activity_card.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Activity_card.png}}|Карта мероприятия. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.26"> </span> [[File:Activity_EN.png|center|border|x280px|link={{filepath:Activity_EN.png}}|Activity reservation. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Карта мероприятия'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Activity reservation'''</center>  
После сохранения автоматически формируется начисление на заданную в прейскуранте стоимость, независимо от указанной длительности. При необходимости удалите автоматически рассчитанное начисление и введите '''начисление с тем же кодом''' на правильную сумму вручную. Для продления пребывания в комнате отдыха нажмите на кнопку [[File:Btn_add.gif|20px|link=]] и в открывшемся календаре введите время начала и длительность.
In the activity card you need to:
* enter the activity periods, indicating the start time and duration. Periods may refer to different days or to the same day (see '''1''' in the [[#Pic27|figure]]);
* enter the name of activity (see '''2''' in the [[#Pic27|figure]]);
* to check up the selection price-list (see '''3''' in the [[#Pic27|figure]]). Price list may be as general as created special for activities;
* if necessary, enter the activity kits (see '''4''' in [[#Pic27|figure]]).
When finished, you need to save the activity card by clicking the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Save.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Save}} button (see '''5''' in the [[#Pic27|picture]]).
Операции с начислениями аналогичны карте гостя и целевым счетам: выставление счета, оплата, ввод ручных начислений.
Занятость комнат отдыха отражается в шахматке (см. [[#Pic.28|рисунок]]).
<span id="Pic.27"> </span> [[File:Activity_card_EN.png|center|border|x400px|link={{filepath:Activity_card_EN.png}}|Activity card. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.28"> </span> [[File:Ct_aktivity.png|center|border|x250px|link={{filepath:Ct_aktivity.png}}|Отображение мероприятий в шахматке. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Отображение мероприятий в шахматке'''</center>  
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Activity card'''</center>  
После выезда гостя нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Close_account.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Закрыть счет}} для завершения работы с картой мероприятия (см. [[#Pic.29|рисунок]]).
After saving, the accrual is automatically generated for the cost specified in the price list, regardless of the specified duration. If necessary, delete the automatically calculated accrual and enter '''accrual with the same code''' for the correct amount manually.
<span id="Pic.29"> </span> [[File:Activity_fin.png|center|border|x250px|link={{filepath:Activity_fin.png}}|Завершение работы с мероприятием. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Завершение работы с мероприятием'''</center>
==== Продление мероприятия (продление пребывания в комнате отдыха) ====
Operations with accruals are similar to those for a guest card and target accounts: invoicing, payment, entering manual accruals.
В случае изменения периода пребывания гостя измените время в поле {{Field|Text=длительность}} и сохраните изменения по кнопке {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Save.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Сохранить}}. Затем перейдите на вкладку «Начисления».  
Reservated activities are displayed in the room calendar (see [[#Pic.28|figure]]).
Если гость еще не оплатил пребывание [[#Пересчёт начислений|пересчитайте начисления]]. Сумма начисления изменится.
<span id="Pic.28"> </span> [[File:Ct_aktivity_EN.png|center|border|x250px|link={{filepath:Ct_aktivity_EN.png}}|Activity displaying in room calendar. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
{{Вставка |рис = [[Image:Clipboard.png|frameless|30px|link=]] |текст = Сумма начисления меняется, если начисление не оплачено, независимо от того, включено оно в неоплаченный счет или нет. }}
Если гость уже оплатил пребывание необходимо рассчитать доплату.
Для этого:
Нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_pays2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Пересчитать начисления}} (см. '''1''' на [[#Pic.30_1|рисунке]]). Откроется окно «Пересчет начислений».
<span id="Pic.30_1"> </span> [[File:Activity_recalc.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:Activity_recalc.png}}|Пересчёт начислений. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Пересчёт начислений'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Displaying an activity in the room calendar'''</center>  
Выделите все начисления и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Recalculate_prices.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Пересчитать цены}} (см. '''2''' на [[#Pic.30_1|рисунке]]). Программа выполнит расчёт цен в соответствии с обновлёнными данными по периоду пребывания гостя.
Ещё раз выделите все начисления и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:create_additional_payments.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Создать доплаты}} (см. '''3''' на [[#Pic.30_1|рисунке]]). Программа пересчитает начисления в соответствии с измененной длительностью и создаст начисления на разницу в стоимости.
Закройте окно «Пересчет начислений», щёлкнув по кнопке [[File:CloseWindow.png|20px]]. Начисления добавятся в область «Неоплаченные начисления».
Далее, по стандартной процедуре, формируете и оплачиваете счёт.
When the activity is finished, click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Close_account.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Close account}} to finish working with the activity card.
= Касса, кассовый журнал =
=Cash register, cash journal =
Все служебные операции с кассой (фискальным регистратором), банковским терминалом в случае его интегрировании в систему, а также формирование кассового журнала выполняются в меню «Базовый&nbsp;/&nbsp;Журнал» (см. [[#Рис.32|рисунок]]).
All service operations with the cash register (fiscal registrar), the bank terminal if integrated into the system, as well as the formation of the cash journal are performed in the menu "Basic/Journal" (see [[#Pic.32|figure]]).
<span id="Рис.32"> </span> [[File:Fiscal.png|center|border|x360px|link={{filepath:Fiscal.png}}|Касса. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.32"> </span> [[File:Fiscal.png|center|border|x360px|link={{filepath:Fiscal.png}}|Cash register. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Касса'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Cash register'''</center>
Экранная форма разбита на две области: верхняя — формирование кассового журнала, нижняя — служебные операции с фискальным регистратором и интегрированным (подключённым к компьютеру) POS-терминалом.
The screen form is divided into two areas: the upper one is for generating a cash journal, the lower one is for service operations with a fiscal registrar and an integrated (connected to a computer) POS terminal.
== Кассовый журнал ==
== Cash register journal ==
<span id="Кассовый журнал">
<span id="Cash register journal">
По всем операциям за наличный расчёт и по банковским картам формируются и печатаются фискальные чеки. Как только вы нажимаете на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Оплатить}} (или {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Money_back.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Вернуть деньги}}) в карте счёта, ''Система'', в зависимости от типа оплаты, передаёт команду на подключённые устройства:
Fiscal receipts are generated and printed for all cash and bank card transactions. As soon as you click the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Pay}} button (or {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Money_back.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Return payment}}) on the invoice card, the ''System'', depending on the payment type, sends a command to the connected devices:
* наличные — на ФР на создание и печать чека;
* cash - to the CR for creating and printing a check;
* банковская карта:
* bank card:
** интегрированный POS-терминал — сначала на банковский терминал для оплаты картой; после успешной оплаты — на ФР на создание и печать чека;
** integrated POS terminal - first to the bank terminal for card payment; after successful payment - to the CR for creating and printing a receipt;
** автономный POS-терминал — на ФР на создание и печать чека.  
** autonomous POS terminal - for CR for creating and printing a receipt.
По окончании операции ФР возвращает ответ в ''Систему'' о результате. В случае положительного результата ''Система''  формирует чек. Все операции с чеками отражаются в кассовом журнале.
Upon completion of the operation, the CR returns a response to the "System" about the result. In case of a positive result, the "System" generates a check. All transactions with checks are reflected in the cash journal.
Для просмотра кассового журнала выберите смену из списка. Если интересуют не только итоги по типам операций, но и конкретные чеки, установите флаг «Детально». Нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:generate_report.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Сформировать новый отчет}}.
To view the cash journal, select a shift from the list. If you are interested not only in the totals by transaction types, but also in specific receipts, set the "Details" option. Click the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:generate_report.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Generate new report}} button.
== Служебные операции с ФР и POS-терминалом ==
== Service operations with CR and POS-terminal ==
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = Если в области «Работа с фискальным регистратором» отсутствуют элементы, значит произошел какой-то сбой. Вероятные причины описаны в разделе [[#Нет кнопки оплаты в счете|«Нет кнопки оплаты в счете»]]
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = If there are no elements in the "Working with the fiscal registrar" area, then there was some kind of failure. Possible causes are described in the section [[#No payment button in the invoice|"No payment button in the invoice"]]
В своей работе вы используете следующие функции:
In your work you use the following functions:
* «Базовые операции»:
* "Basic Operations":
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Print_x_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Печать X-отчета}} — чек промежуточного отчёта с суммой по операциям с начала смены. Сумма в Х-отчёте должна совпадать:
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Print_x_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Print X-report}} — interim report receipt with the amount of transactions from the beginning of the shift. The amount in the X-report must match:
*** с суммой наличных денег в денежном ящике;
*** with the amount of cash in the cash drawer;
*** с суммой, полученной по банковским картам;
*** with the amount received by bank cards;
*** с отчётом «Кассовый журнал» (см. [[#Кассовый журнал|Кассовый журнал]]);
*** with the report "Cash register" (see [[#Cash register|Cash register]]);
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_session.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Закрыть смену}} — команда закрытия смены с печатью Z-отчёта. Закрытие смены по ФР (и банковскому терминалу) '''обязательно''' должно быть проведено до окончания суток! Поэтому подготовка начинается в 23:30 – 23:45:
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_session.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Close shift}} — command to close a shift with printing of a Z-report. Closing a shift by CR (and bank terminal) '''must''' be done before the end of the day! Therefore, preparation begins at 11:30 – 11:45 PM:
*** сверьте кассу, для чего, распечатайте «Х-отчет» и «Кассовый журнал». Сверьте все суммы с отчётами, пересчитайте наличные, а также чеки с терминала по банковским картам.
*** check the cash register, for which, print out the "X-report" and "Cash register". Check all amounts with the reports, recount cash, as well as checks from the terminal for bank cards.
** команду открытия смены выполнять не нужно, т.к. смена открывается автоматически при печати первого чека.
** there is no need to execute the shift opening command, since the shift opens automatically when the first check is printed.
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = Если в течение смены не было операций по кассе, то смену не закрывать!
{{Вставка  |рис = [[File:Caution.png|frameless|30px]]  |текст = If there were no cash transactions during the shift, do not close the shift!
* «Операции с банковским терминалом» — <b>при работе с интегрированным терминалом</b> (отчёты не выводятся на печать, а отправляются в банк, где доступны бухгалтеру в личном кабинете):
* "Operations with a bank terminal" - <b>when working with an integrated terminal</b> (reports are not printed, but sent to the bank, where they are available to the accountant in the personal account):
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:terminal_x_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=X-отчет}} — чек промежуточного отчёта с суммой по операциям с начала смены;
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:terminal_x_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=X-report}} — interim report receipt with the amount of transactions from the beginning of the shift;
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:terminal_z_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Z-отчет}} — закрытие смены. Закрытие смены по терминалу проводится одновременно с закрытием смены по фискальному регистратору.
** {{Btn|Picture=[[File:terminal_z_report.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|Text=Z-report}} — shift closing. Shift closing by terminal is carried out simultaneously with shift closing by fiscal registrar.
* «Изменение времени фискального регистратора». Если вы видите расхождение по времени в чеках, сформированных в ''Системе'' и распечатанных на ФР более чем на 1-2 минуты, необходимо изменить время на ФР. Данная операция выполняется после закрытия смены. Введите в поле текущее время в формате «часы:минуты» (например, 00:05) и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:change_time.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Изменить время}}. После этого распечатайте Х-отчёт и убедитесь, что изменение времени на ФР применилось.
* "Changing the time of the fiscal registrar". If you see a discrepancy in the time in the receipts generated in the "System" and printed on the fiscal registrar by more than 1-2 minutes, you need to change the time on the fiscal registrar. This operation is performed after the shift is closed. Enter the current time in the field in the format "hours:minutes" (for example, 00:05) and click the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:change_time.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Change time}}. After that, print the X-report and make sure that the change in time on the fiscal registrar has been applied.
* «Служебный внос» — при необходимости в кассу вносятся денежные средства для расчётов с гостями (мелкие купюры для сдачи). Выполняется крайне редко;* «Служебный вынос». Операция выполняется ежедневно в конце смены, если были операции с наличными. Сравните сумму выручки наличными с Х-отчётом и, если расхождений нет, введите её в данное поле. Нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Payment_in.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Внести деньги}}. После закрытия смены проведите действия с наличными в соответствии с описанием в Стандарте;
* "Service deposit" - if necessary, cash is deposited into the cash register to settle accounts with guests (small bills for change). This is done extremely rarely;
* «Корректировка баланса». В данном поле отображается текущий баланс по кассе — все пробитые чеки за смену (наличные и банковские карты) плюс служебный внос минус служебный вынос. '''Корректировка суммы баланса может быть выполнена только с разрешение главного бухгалтера!'''
* "Service take-out". The operation is performed daily at the end of the shift, if there were transactions with cash. Compare the amount of cash proceeds with the X-report and, if there are no discrepancies, enter it in this field. Click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Payment_in.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Deposit money}}.;
Порядок закрытия смены выполняется в соответствии с описанной в Стандарте процедурой.
* "Balance correction". This field displays the current balance of the cash register - all checks punched for the shift (cash and bank cards) plus the service deposit minus the service take out. '''Correction of the balance amount can only be performed with the permission of the chief accountant!'''
= Ночной аудит =
= Night audit =
Цель Ночного аудита – закрытие операционного дня отеля.
The purpose of the night audit is to close the hotel's operating day.
Ночной аудит никак не связан с закрытием кассовой смены. Так, если по ФР не было операций за смену, смена не закрывается, но ночной аудит все равно должен быть проведён.
The night audit is not connected with closing the cash shift. Thus, if there were no transactions for the CR during the shift, the shift is not closed, but the night audit must still be conducted.
В процессе ночного аудита выполняется сбор данных о заездах и выездах гостей с просроченными датами, а также формирование отчёта с начислениями, добавленными на целевые счета и счета гостей, групп, компаний, мероприятий.
Для завершения операционного дня вам нужно принять решение:
During the night audit, data is collected on check-ins and check-outs of guests with overdue dates, and a report is generated with accruals added to target accounts and accounts of guests, groups, companies, and activities.
* по бронированиям гостей, которые не заселились в отель;
* по просроченным проживаниям гостей, которые не выселились из отеля;
* о сохранении или удалении начислений, которые не были сохранены в ''Системе'',
а также необходимо проверить правильность начислений, добавленных на счета гостей.
Надпись [[File:NightWatch.png|x20px|limk=]] появляется не ранее, чем через 12 часов после окончания проведения предыдущего ночного аудита.
Для начала аудита откройте пункт меню «Базовый / Ночной аудит» и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:start_night_watch.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Начать ночной аудит]}}.
To complete the trading day, you need to make a decision:
* for reservations of guests who did not check into the hotel;
* for overdue stays of guests who did not check out of the hotel;
* about saving or deleting accruals that were not saved in the ''System'',
and it is also necessary to check the correctness of the accruals added to the guests' accounts.
Процедура ночного аудита подробно описана в Стандарте.
The [[File:NightWatch_EN.png|x20px|limk=]] inscription appears no earlier than 12 hours after the end of the previous night audit.
= Работа с номерным фондом =
To start the audit, open the menu item "Basic / Night audit" and click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:start_night_watch.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Start night audit}}.
Управление производится в пункте меню «Базовый&nbsp;/&nbsp;Горничные» на вкладке «Обслуживание» (см. [[#Рис.33|рисунок]]).
= Operation with room fund =
<span id="Рис.33"> </span> [[File:Room_servise.png|center|border|x400px|link={{filepath:Room_servise.png}}|Обслуживание. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
Operation is carried out in the menu item "Basic / Housekeepers" on the "Service" tab (see [[#Fig.33|figure]]).
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Обслуживание'''</center>
В программе предусмотрены три типа обслуживания:
<span id="Pic.33"> </span> [[File:Room_servise_EN.png|center|border|x500px|link={{filepath:Room_servise_EN.png}}| Service. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
* «На ремонте» — в номере требуется мелкий ремонт, не требующий вывода номера из продажи;
* «На ремонте не для продажи» — требуется ремонт, не позволяющий эксплуатацию номера;
* «Служебное использование» — использование номера для внутренних нужд отеля.
В номера «На ремонте не для продажи» поселение невозможно; они не показываются в шахматке (если период ремонта больше периода просмотра шахматки) и не выводятся на сайт для бронирования.
Номера «На ремонте» и «Служебное использование» недоступны для бронирования и поселения из шахматки, но выводятся на сайт и доступны для оперативной работы из пунктов меню «Базовый&nbsp;/&nbsp;Бронирование» и «Базовый&nbsp;/&nbsp;Поселение» соответственно.
== Добавление номера на обслуживание ==
Выберите из списка номер комнаты, тип (в соответствии с описанием выше) и плановую дату начала обслуживания. Сохраните запись по кнопке {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Save.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Сохранить}}.
Если плановая дата больше текущей, запись получит статус «Ожидание» (см. [[#Рис.33|рисунок]]), то есть номер ещё не переведён на обслуживание. Автоматически номер будет переведён в обслуживание в заданную дату во время проведения ночного аудита. Принудительно перевести запись в статус «Активный» можно, войдя в редактирование записи и нажав на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:begin.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Начать]}}.
== Вывод номера в продажу ==
Для перевода номера в продажу откройте запись на редактирование и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:End.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Завершить}}. Номер станет доступен для бронирования / заселения, начиная с даты и '''времени''' окончания.
{{Вставка |рис = [[Image:Clipboard.png|frameless|30px|link=]] |текст = Все изменения в номерном фонде, такие как перенос номеров из одной категории в другую, добавление новых категорий номеров, добавление дополнительных мест и т.п. выполняются через техническую поддержку с одобрения руководителя.
= Перезапуск Windows-служб печати фискальных чеков =
<span ID='Перезапуск службы'></span>
Связь ''Системы'' с ФР обеспечивается посредством служб Windows «HMS Servio служба печати фискальных чеков» и «HMS Servio Proxy Client». Службы запускаются автоматически при включении компьютера. Однако, при возникновении внештатных ситуаций (например, перебои с электропитанием), службы могут не запуститься. В этом случае их нужно запустить вручную.
Службы обеспечивают возможность работы с кассой, в т.ч. при отсутствии проводного интернета и подключении через точку доступа (раздаче со смартфона).
Определить отсутствие связи программы с кассой можно по косвенным признакам (нет кнопки оплаты в счетах, нет области работы с кассой в меню «Базовый / Журнал»), но точной проверкой является информация в окне «Мониторинг сопрягаемых соединений».
Щёлкните по кнопке [[File:ico_docking.gif|x18px]]. Найдите запись со своим отелем и проверьте наличие подключения к кассе. Если ФР не подключён, показывается сообщение <span style=color:red> «Не удалось подключиться к кассе» </span>.
[[File:Connections.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Connections.png}}. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Service'''</center>
Перезапустите службу печати чеков. Для этого в Windows-строке поиска начните ввод слова «Службы», выберите приложение «Службы» и нажмите «Открыть» (см. [[#Рис.34|рисунок]]).
The program provides three types of service:
* “Repair” — the room requires minor repairs that do not require the room to be removed from sale;
* “On repair not for sale” — repairs are required that prevent the room from being used;
* "Service use" means the use of a room for the hotel's internal needs.
<span id="Рис.34"> </span> [[File:Windows_services.png|center|border|x400px|link={{filepath:Windows_services.png}}|Вызов списка Windows‑служб. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
It is impossible to check in to the rooms "On repair not for sale"; they are not shown in the room calendar (if the repair period is longer than the room calendar viewing period) and are not displayed on the website for reservation.
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Вызов списка Windows‑служб'''</center>
Проверьте текущее состояние служб «HMS Servio служба печати фискальных чеков» и «HMS Servio Proxy Client» (см. [[#Рис.35|рисунок]]).
The rooms "Repair" and "Service use" are not available for reservation and check-in from the room calendar, but are displayed on the website and are available for quick work from the menu items "Basic / Reservation" and "Basic/Check-in", respectively.
<span id="Рис.35"> </span> [[File:Windows_services_restart.png|center|border|x400px|link={{filepath:Windows_services_restart.png}}|Перезапуск службы. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Перезапуск службы'''</center>
Если одна или обе службы не запущены, запустите их, если запущены, перезапустите.
== Adding a room to service ==
Если состояние служб изменилось на «Выполняется», подождите несколько минут и снова проверьте подключение программы к кассе в окне «Мониторинг сопрягаемых соединений», для чего обновите список по кнопке [[File:Btn_refresh.png|x20px]].
Select the room number, type (as described above) and scheduled service start date from the list. Save the entry by clicking {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Save.gif|x12px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Save}}.
Если запуск служб прервался, то проверьте:
If the planned date is greater than the current date, the record will receive the "Waiting" status (see [[#Fig.33|figure]]), i.e. the room has not yet been transferred to service. The room will be automatically transferred to service on the specified date during the night audit. You can forcibly transfer the record to the "Active" status by entering the record editing and clicking the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:begin.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Start]}} button.
* включён ли ФР. Если нет включите;
* подсоединение кабелей, особенно если передвигали компьютер или ФР;
* наличие интернет.
Снова перезапустите службу.
Если предпринятые действия не привели к положительному результату, потребуется вмешательство службы поддержки или системных администраторов.
== Transferring the room to sale ==
= Полезные отчёты =
To transfer a room to sale, open the record for editing and click on the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:End.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Finish}}. The room will become available for reservation/check-in, starting from the end date and '''time'''.
По результатам деятельности отелей формируется множество отчётов, как по гостям, так и статистических. В каждом отчёте выведен набор условий расчёта для формирования в различных разрезах. Ниже приведён список отчётов, наиболее востребованных в работе администраторов.
= Useful reports =
'''GR010. Журнал паспортов (Отчеты / Гости)'''
Based on the results of hotel activities, different reports are generated, both for guests and statistical ones. Each report contains a set of calculation conditions for generation in various sections. Below is a list of reports that are most in demand in the work of receptionists.
Журнал проживающих на текущую дату. Требуют сотрудники линейных отделов полиции. Для формирования выберите шаблон «Журнал проживающих» (см. [[#Рис.36|рисунок]]).
If your need a new report, please contact support.
<span id="Рис.36"> </span> [[File:GR010.png|center|border|x270px|link={{filepath:GR010.png}}|GR010. Журнал паспортов. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
Many reports use <span id="Type of date"> date </span> selection conditions:
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
* "Date of act" ("Date of implementation") or;
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR010. Журнал паспортов'''</center>
* "Consumption date".
The choice of value affects, practically, only the service "Accommodation" for guests with a stay that goes beyond 00:00 hours. "Consumption date" is set by the end of the calendar day - 23:59:59, the "Date of implementation" - by the end of the hotel day, as a rule, 12:00 of the following calendar day.
'''GR052. Кассовый журнал (Отчеты / Гости)'''
'''GR052. Cash register (Repots / Guests)'''
Тот же отчёт, что и в меню «Базовый / Журнал». Отчёт разбит по кассовым сменам и предназначен для сверки платежей за текущую открытую смену или закрытую ранее. В детальном отчёте удобно искать оплаты и по оплатам — гостей, их оплативших (см. [[#Рис.37|рисунок]]).
The same report as in the menu "Basic / Journal". The report is divided by cash shifts and is designed to verify payments for the current open shift or previously closed. In the detailed report, it is convenient to search for payments and by payments - guests who paid for them (see [[#Fig.37|figure]]).
<span id="Рис.37"> </span> [[File:GR052.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:GR052.png}}|GR052. Кассовый журнал. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.37"> </span> [[File:GR052_EN.png|center|border|x400px|link={{filepath:GR052_EN.png}}|GR052. Cash register. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR052. Кассовый журнал'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR052. Cash register'''</center>
'''GR015. Проживающие за период (Отчеты / Гости)'''
'''GR015. Residence for the period (Repots / Guests)'''
Отчёт предназначен для подсчёта количества гостей, проживших в отеле в определённый промежуток времени (см. [[#Рис.38|рисунок]]). Может использоваться для передачи сведений Роспотребнадзор, подсчёта комплектов использованного постельного белья и пр.
The report is designed to calculate the number of guests who stayed at the hotel during a certain period of time (see [[#Fig.38|figure]]).
В условиях формирования обратите внимание на статусы включаемых в отчёт гостей.
In the conditions of formation, pay attention to the statuses of the guests included in the report and to the option "Cut by report period". If the "Cut by report period" option is set, the report includes guests whose start and end dates fall entirely within the specified period.
<span id="Рис.38"> </span> [[File:GR015.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:GR015.png}}|GR015. Проживающие за период. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Pic.38"> </span> [[File:GR015_EN.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:GR015_EN.png}}|GR015. Residence for the period. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR015. Проживающие за период'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR015. Residence for the period'''</center>
'''GR059. Журнал начислений (Отчеты / Гости)'''
'''GR059. Accrual journal (Reports / Guests)'''
Тот же отчёт, что и в меню «Базовый / Журнал» на вкладке «Журнал начислений». В журнале выводятся все транзакции за заданный период с разбивкой по группам. Отчёт удобен, в т.ч., для проверки реализации сопутствующих товаров.
The same report as in the Basic / Journal menu on the Accrual Journal tab. The journal displays all transactions for a given period, broken down into groups. The report is convenient, among other things, for checking the sale of related products.
Предусмотрено несколько шаблонов, в том числе «Журнал начислений с ФИО адм.» (см. [[#Рис.39|рисунке]]).
<span id="Pic.39"> </span> [[File:GR059_EN.png|center|border|x370px|link={{filepath:GR059_EN.png}}|GR059. Accrual journal. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Рис.39"> </span> [[File:GR059.png|center|border|x370px|link={{filepath:GR059.png}}|GR059. Журнал начислений. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR059. Журнал начислений'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR059. Accrual journal'''</center>
'''GR069. Отчет по реализации (Отчеты / Гости)'''
'''GR069. Realization report (Reports / Guests)'''
В отчёте отображается информация по реализации и оплате услуг и товаров за заданный период. Данные в отчёте группируются по группам услуг.
The report displays information on the sale and payment of services and goods for a specified period. The data in the report is grouped by service groups.
Подробнее о некоторых условиях расчета:
More details about some of the calculation conditions:
* «Дата акта» или «Дата потребления». Выбор значения влияет, практически, только на услугу «Проживания» для гостей с пребыванием, переходящим через 00:00 часов. «Дата потребления» для данной услуги попадает на предыдущие сутки относительно «Дата акта». Например, если гость проживал с 01 по 03 число (2 ночи), то при формировании с 01 по 02:
* "Act date" or "Consumption date" (see [#Type of date|above]).
** по «Дате акта» начисление попадет в отчет 1 раз за 02 число;
* “In totals” option – summary information on service groups without displaying data on specific services;
** оп «Дате потребления» начисление попадет в отчет 2 раза за 01 и 02 число;
* "Only paid" option - only paid accruals. If the option is off, the report includes accruals in unpaid invoices, as well as unpaid accruals.
* флаг «Только итоги» — итоговая информация по группам услуг без вывода данных по конкретным услугам;
This report may be useful for you to check the implementation of additional services and related products (see [[#Pic.40|figure]]).
* флаг «Только оплаченные» — только оплаченные начисления. Если флаг снят, то в отчет включаются начисления в неоплаченных счетах, а также неоплаченные начисления.  
Данный отчёт Вам может быть полезен для проверки реализации доп. услуг и сопутствующих товаров (см. [[#Рис.40|рисунок]]).
<span id="Pic.40"> </span> [[File:GR069_EN.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:GR069_EN.png}}|GR069. Realization report. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<span id="Рис.40"> </span> [[File:GR069.png|center|border|x350px|link={{filepath:GR069.png}}|GR069. Отчет по реализации. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR069. Отчет по реализации'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''GR069. Realization report'''</center>
= Нештатные ситуации и способы их решения =
= Emergency situations and ways to resolve them =
===Программа не запускается===
===Account blocked===
После запуска программы появляется [[#Рис.40|заставка]].
You are given 5 attempts to log in to the program, after which the account is blocked and a corresponding message appears on the screen.
<span id="Рис.40"> </span> [[File:Wrong_shortcut.png|center|border|x200px|link={{filepath:Wrong_shortcut.png}}|Запуск программы по неверному ярлыку. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
Only the support service can unblock the account, so any of your actions - restarting the browser, restarting the computer, etc. - are pointless. Send a request to the support service indicating the hotel and your full name.
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Запуск программы по неверному ярлыку'''</center>
Причина в том, что вы запустили программу по неверному (резервному ярлыку), ссылающемуся на нерабочий сайт. В процессе штатного обновления программы показывается похожая заставка, однако в ней вместо текста «Осуществляется переход на новый сервер.» отображается плановое время завершения обновления.
===Guest card disappeared===
Запустите программу по корректному ярлыку или перейдите по ссылке, указанной в разделе [[#Introduction|"General information"]].
There may be several reasons:
# <u>Reservation or check-in not completed</u>, i.e. the button was not pressed during the process of filling out the guest card{{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_reservation.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Complete reservatiom}} или {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_settlement.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Complete check-in}}. Look for the guest card in the menu point "Base&nbsp;/&nbsp;Unsaved cards".
# Instead of evicting, the guest's card was cancelled - when check-out operation was processing, the button {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Annul2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Annul}} was pressed. You can find the card through the [[#Search for a guest|search]] mode.
===Учётная запись заблокирована===
If the calendar day is not over, the Receptionist can restore the card independently. Otherwise, you need to contact the hotel manager or the support service.
Вам даётся 5 попыток авторизации в программе, после чего учётная запись блокируется и на экране появляется соответствующее сообщение.
===The rooms in the category have disappeared from the room calendar===
Разблокировать учётную запись может только служба поддержки, поэтому любые ваши действия — перезапуск браузера, перезагрузка компьютера и пр. — бессмысленны. Направьте запрос в службу поддержки с указанием отеля и ваших ФИО.
You clicked on the category name (yellow block with the category name), as a result of which the list of rooms in the category collapsed. In order to expand it, click on the category name again.
===Исчезла карта гостя===
===Incorrect payer on the invoice===
Возможны несколько причин:
When generating an invoice, the program automatically inserts the customer (guest) as the payer. That is, by default, the guest pays for himself. Exceptions are cases when the guest's accommodation is paid for by a group or company.
# <u>Не завершено бронирование или поселение</u>, т.е. в процессе заполнения карты гостя не была нажата кнопка {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_reservation.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Завершить бронирование}} или {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Finalize_settlement.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Завершить поселение}}. Ищите карту гостя в меню «Базовый&nbsp;/&nbsp;Незавершенные карты».
# Вместо выселения карту гостя аннулировали — при выселении гостя нажали на кнопку {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Annul2.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Аннулировать}}. Найти карту можно через режим [[#Поиск гостя|поиска]].
Восстановить карту может руководитель или служба поддержки.
Therefore, if the payer in the guest account card is another guest, this is most likely an error. The error may be caused by inattention, for example, due to simultaneous work with different guests in two browser tabs or minimizing the guest card to perform operations with the card of another guest.
===В шахматке пропали номера в категории===
The error can be corrected by an employee with access to the menu item "Accounting&nbsp;/&nbsp;Accounts" or the support department.
Вы щёлкнули по названию категории (блок жёлтого цвета с названием категории), в результате чего список номеров в категории свернулся. Для того, что раскрыть его, щёлкните повторно на названии категории.
===The questionnaire does not save the data of identity cards===
===Неверный плательщик в счёте===
In the questionnaire, the block with certificates is implemented as a separate window. The control buttons of the main part of the questionnaire and documents are different. After entering the document details, you need to click the button {{Btn|BackgroundColor=#CAFF99|TextColor=Black|Text=Save}}. Otherwise, the entered document data will not be saved.
При формировании счёта программа автоматически подставляет заказчика (гостя) в качестве плательщика. Т.е. по умолчанию гость платит за себя сам. Исключения составляют случаи, когда проживание гостя оплачивает группа или компания.
===Not evicted&nbsp;/&nbsp;cancelled a guest===
Поэтому, если в карте счёта гостя плательщиком является другой гость, вероятнее всего это ошибка. Причиной ошибки может быть невнимательность, например, из-за одновременной работы с разными гостями в двух вкладках браузера или сворачивание карты гостя для выполнения операций с картой другого гостя.
When checking out a guest, a message appears that the guest cannot be checked out because he or she does not have a zero balance.
Исправить ошибку может только отдел поддержки.
Check the Charges tab for open invoices and unpaid accruals. All invoices for which the guest is the payer must be closed, including invoices with a fully refunded payment. All unpaid accruals must be cancelled.
===В анкете не сохраняются данные удостоверений личности===
===There is no payment button on the invoice===
В анкете блок с удостоверениями реализован в виде отдельного окна. Управляющие кнопки основной части анкеты и документов различны. После ввода реквизитов документа нужно нажать на кнопку {{Btn|BackgroundColor=#CAFF99|TextColor=Black|Text=Сохранить}}. Иначе введённые данные документа не сохранятся.
There may be several reasons for the absence of the {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Pay}} button on the invoice card: no connection with the cash register, a malfunction of the FireFox browser.
===Корректировка документов, удостоверяющих личность===
If the cash register is not a fiscal one, there is always a payment button.
Гость может останавливаться в отелях сети множество раз. Заполненный комплект удостоверений личности гостя хранится отдельно и его можно '''и нужно''' закреплять за текущим проживанием, а не вводить каждый раз заново, если гость приехал с прежними документами (документы могут измениться — плановая замена, утеря и пр.). Так как данные удостоверений личности передаются в МВД и должны соответствовать конкретному проживанию, то редактировать их можно, пока гость не выселен. Поэтому если вы не вводили документы, а закрепили их за текущим проживание, то корректировка невозможна. Если требуется, введите новый комплект документов и закрепите их за текущим проживанием.
Click the [[File:ico_docking.gif|x18px]] button in the top line of the program to the left of your hotel name. Find the entry with your hotel in the "Monitoring of docking applications" window and check for a connection to the cash register. If the CR is not connected, the message <span style=color:red>"Failed to connect to the cash register"</span> is displayed. Follow the instructions given to you.
If the "Monitoring of docking applications" window for your hotel says "Connection to the cash register completed", then the problem is in the browser. Close the browser window with the "X" button (no need to restart the computer), wait 20-30 seconds and launch the browser again, for example, using the "Systems" launch shortcut. All closed tabs will be restored.
The payment button should appear within 1-3 minutes. If the button is still not there, contact support.
===Не выселяется&nbsp;/&nbsp;не аннулируется гость===
<span id='The program hangs'></span>
При выселении гостя появляется сообщение, что гость не может быть выселен, так как у него не нулевой баланс.
===The program hangs===
Проверьте на вкладке «Начисления» наличие открытых счетов и неоплаченных начислений. Все счета, плательщиком по которым является сам гость, должны быть закрыты, в том числе счета с полностью возвращённой оплатой. Все неоплаченные начисления должны быть аннулированы.
The program may slow down for various reasons, ranging from the browser in which you are working with the program, failures on the provider's side, and ending with the server on which the database is located.
To determine the cause and correct the situation, follow these steps:
# Check your internet connection: go to any open tab and refresh the page by pressing F5. If the information on the page opens, then there is an internet connection.
# Restart the '''browser''' - close it by pressing the "X" button and restart it after 10-15 seconds. <span style= color:red>''No need to restart your computer!''</span> If the performance has not changed, check the performance.
# To check the performance, open the tab "[[#Pic.41|Main/Performance]]" and click on the button {{Btn|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|TextColor=Black|Text=Start}}. The program will conduct a test data exchange with the server and display the result in the column "Time (ms)". You can evaluate the performance by the first indicator "Request pages": the acceptable time is up to 11000 milliseconds (11 seconds). <span style= color:red>If the value is more than 11000 ms, take a screenshot, record the local time and send a message to support.</span>
<span id="Pic.41"> </span> [[File:Performance_EN.png|center|border|x150px|link={{filepath:Performance_EN.png}}|Performance check. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
===Выгрузка в ФМС===
Анкеты для загрузки в СБИС или Контур.ФМС должны содержать всю необходимую информацию, в том числе, данные удостоверений личности, дополнительные документы и сканы для иностранных граждан.
В процедуре выгрузки анкет проверяется комплектность документов и, в случае обнаружения ошибок, выдаются сообщения:
* документ не закреплён за текущим проживанием. У гостя за время его неоднократных проживаний в сети отелей могут быть введены несколько документов, но за текущим проживанием обязательно должен быть закреплён документ определённого вида. Сообщение означает, что документ в анкете есть, но не относится именно к текущему проживанию. Если гость ещё не выселен, щёлкните по значку [[File:Btn_s_link.gif|x20px]] в строке с названием документа. Если выселен, то потребуется открыть карту с расширенными правами, для чего обратитесь к своему руководителю или в службу поддержки;
* размер вложенного файла превышает 350 кб. Требованиями МВД ограничен максимальный размер вложенного файла изображения. В отличии от незакреплённого документа, анкета будет выгружена, но без вложенного файла. Уменьшите размер изображения и замените его в анкете, далее либо повторите выгрузку, либо вложите документ в анкету в программе СБИС / Контур.ФМС.
===Нет кнопки оплаты в счёте===
Причин отсутствия кнопки {{Btn|Picture=[[File:Pay.gif|x14px|link=]]&nbsp;|BorderColor=PaleVioletRed|Text=Оплатить}} в карте счёта может быть несколько: отсутствие связи с кассой, сбой в работе браузера FireFox.
Щёлкните по кнопке [[File:ico_docking.gif|x18px]] в верхней строке программы слева от названия вашего отеля. Найдите в окне «Мониторинг сопрягаемых соединений» запись со своим отелем и проверьте наличие подключения к кассе. Если ФР не подключён, показывается сообщение <span style=color:red>«Не удалось подключиться к кассе»</span>. [[#Перезапуск службы|Перезапустите]] службу печати фискальных чеков.
Если в окне «Мониторинг сопрягаемых соединений» для вашего отеля указано «Связь с кассой установлена», значит дело в браузере. Закройте окно браузера кнопкой «Х», (перезагружать компьютер не требуется) подождите 20-30 сек. и запустите браузер снова, например по ярлыку запуска ''Системы''. Все закрытые вкладки восстановятся.
Кнопка оплаты должна появиться в течение 1-3 минут. Если кнопки все равно нет, обратитесь в службу поддержки.
<span id='«Зависание» программы'></span>
===«Зависание» программы===
Замедление работы программы может происходить по разным причинам, начиная от браузера, в котором Вы работаете с программой, сбоями на стороне провайдера, и заканчивая сервером, на котором расположена база данных.
Для определения причины и исправления ситуации выполните действия:
# Проверьте подключение к интернету: перейдите на любую открытую вкладку и обновите страницу по клавише F5. Если информация на станице открылась, значит подключение к интернет есть.
# Перезапустите '''браузер''' — закройте его по кнопке «X» и запустите снова через 10-15 секунд. <span style= color:red>''Перезагружать компьютер не нужно!''</span> Если быстродействие не изменилось, проверьте производительность.
# Для проверки производительности откройте вкладку «[[#Рис.41|Главная/Производительность]]» и нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|BorderColor=LightSlateGray|TextColor=Black|Text=Старт}}. Программа проведет тестовый обмен данными с сервером и выдаст результат в колонке «Время (мс)». Оценить быстродействие можно по первому показателю «Запрос страниц»: допустимым является время до 11000 милисекунд (11 секунд). <span style= color:red>Если значение более 11000 мс, снимите скриншот, зафиксируйте местное время и пришлите сообщение в поддержку.</span>
<span id="Рис.41"> </span> [[File:Performance.png|center|border|x150px|link={{filepath:Performance.png}}|Проверка производительности. <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Проверка производительности'''</center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Performance check'''</center>
{{Вставка |рис = [[Image:Clipboard.png|frameless|30px|link=]] |текст =  
{{Вставка |рис = [[Image:Clipboard.png|frameless|30px|link=]] |текст =  
Проверка быстродействия интернет с помощью специальных утилит SpeedTest некорректна, т.к. эти утилиты замеряют скорость обмена только до первого узла — до провайдера, а не до сервера с базой данных.<br>
Checking the speed of the Internet using special SpeedTest utilities is incorrect, because these utilities measure the exchange speed only to the first node - to the provider, and not to the server with the database.<br>}}
Ежедневно в период 04:00 — 04:20 по московскому времени на сервере проводятся регламентные работы. В это время возможно замедление работы программы.
===Ошибки взаимодействия с кассой===
Во время взаимодействия с ФР иногда возникают ошибки. Наиболее частыми являются:
<span style="background:orangered; padding:3px; border-radius:9px 9px 9px 9px;">&nbsp;<span style=color:white>Связь с кассой отсутствует</span>&nbsp;</span>
Во время оплаты чек на ФР распечатался, но появилось сообщение на красном фоне «Связь с кассой отсутствует» и в ''Системе'' чек не сформировался.
'''''Ни в коем случае не оплачивайте счёт повторно''''', так как оплата по фискальному регистратору проведена и чек в налоговую уже отправлен!
Проверьте [[#Перезапуск службы|подключение ФР к компьютеру]] и в случае его отсутствия перезапустите службу. Обратите внимание, что подключение происходит не сразу, а через 1-2 минуты.
<span style="background:orangered; padding:3px; border-radius:9px 9px 9px 9px;">&nbsp;<span style=color:white>Команда не поддерживается в данном режиме. Открытая смена, 24 часа кончились</span>&nbsp;</span>
Сообщение говорит о том, что смена смена ФР не закрывалась более 24 часов.
Закройте смену.
===Ошибки взаимодействия с интегрированным банковским терминалом===
При работе с интегрированными банковскими терминалами (подключенными к компьютеру) может возникнуть ошибка с текстом:
<span style="background:orangered; padding:3px; border-radius:9px 9px 9px 9px;">&nbsp;<span style=color:white>"Произошла ошибка. [POS] System.Exception: Нарушился контакт с ПИН-падом, либо невозможно открыть указанный СОМ-порт (он или отсутствует в системе, или захвачен другой программой)".</span>&nbsp;</span>
Для устранения ошибки нужно переподключить терминал к <b>тому же самому USB-гнезду</b> компьютера.
В случае возникновения других нештатных ситуаций обратитесь в службу поддержки.
===Конфликты закрытия чека в карте счета===
В процессе оплаты счетов могут встретиться конфликтные ситуации когда, например, фискальный чек распечатан, а счет в HMS Servio не закрыт или при оплате по карте превышено время ожидания ввода ПИН-кода и операция отменена.
В этом случае в окне подтверждения печати чека появится [[#Рис.41_1|дополнительная информация]]: номер предварительного чека в ''Системе'', сообщение о полученной ошибке, а также кнопки обработки проблемного чека:
* [[File:Del.jpg|x16px|link=]] — удалить чек;
* [[File:Repeat_request.gif|x18px|link=]] — повторить запрос.
<span id="Рис.41_1"> </span> [[File:Receipt_print_Error.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Receipt_print_Error.png}}|Ошибка обработки чека <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Ошибка обработки чека'''</center>
В зависимости от ситуации, вы можете попытаться решить проблему самостоятельно. <br/>
* [[File:Del.jpg|x16px|link=]] — удалить чек. Используется для прерывания выполнения операции (гость передумал оплачивать картой и нажата кнопка отмены — после удаления чека вы сможете выбрать другой тип оплаты);
* [[File:Repeat_request.gif|x18px|link=]] — повторить запрос. Используется для продолжения выполнения операции оплаты (превышено время ожидания ввода ПИН-кода; чек распечатался, но счет не закрылся и т.п.).
Если отправкой повторного запроса проблему решить не удается — отключилось электропитание, отсутствует интернет и т.п. — можно отложить решение вопроса и вернуться к нему после восстановления работоспособности.<br/> Искать счет в картах объектов (гости/группы и пр.) нет необходимости. Все незавершенные чеки отображаются в [[#Рис.41_2|кассовом журнале]].
<span id="Рис.41_2"> </span> [[File:Fiscal_ErrReceipts.png|center|border|x300px|link={{filepath:Fiscal_ErrReceipts.png}}|Журнал. Незавершенные чеки <Ctrl+Left Click>]]
<center style="margin-top:0.5em; color:darkgrey">(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window) </center>
<center style="margin-top:0.5em"> '''Журнал. Незавершенные чеки'''</center>
Нажмите на кнопку {{Btn|BackgroundColor=#CAFF99|TextColor=Black|Text=Проверить}}. Откроется карта счета с незавершенным чеком. Нажмите на кнопку [[File:Repeat_request.gif|x18px|link=]] — повторить запрос. ''Система'' обратится к ФР для проверки наличия чека по данному счету. Если связь с ФР налажена, чек будет найден и закрыт в карте счета.<br/>  
Окно карты счета также закроется, но страница автоматически не обновится и в таблице «Незавершенные чеки» запись останется. Для актуализации таблицы обновите страницу (щелкните по названию вкладки «Касса» или нажмите клавишу F5).
Если в результате всех действий чек все равно закрыть не удалось, обратитесь в техническую поддержку.
{{Вставка |рис = [[Image:Clipboard.png|frameless|30px|link=]] |текст =
При наличии незавершенных чеков смену закрыть нельзя}}
Если у вас отсутствует описанный функционал, обратитесь в службу поддержки для его подключения.
===Гость потерял чек===
Повторно распечатать чек на ФР невозможно. Обратитесь к главному бухгалтеру или в службу поддержки для формирования дубликата. Подготовьте заранее данные по дате, времени, сумме чека и типе оплаты.
<span id="выгрузка-информации-о-гостях-в-мвд"></span>

Текущая версия на 12:52, 4 марта 2025

HMS Smart. Operational work

The document is intended for hotel administrators. It describes the operational modes of the HMS Servio system (hereinafter referred to as the System), provides answers to frequently asked questions and provides a list of useful reports.



General information

Working with the System is based on the principle of "cloud" technologies: the program is launched in a web browser window on a local computer, and the database and processing of all information (reservation/check-in, formation of charges and invoices, formation of reports, etc.) is performed on the server. Therefore, the stability of the program and the speed of information processing are directly related to the quality of the Internet connection.

Web browsers are recommended for working with the program. GoogleChrome GoogleChrome.jpg и Yandex Logo-yandex-browser.png.

Clipboard.png When working with Mozilla FireFox for a long time without restarting the browser, sometimes failures are observed, consisting of the disappearance of payment buttons in invoices, freezing of report generation. In this case, it is necessary to restart the browser (not to reboot the computer, but to restart the browser: close the browser window with the "X" button, wait 20-30 seconds and start again with a shortcut on the desktop).

There are 2 databases on the server: working and test. The test database is intended for training and coaching new employees.

Link to working database:

Link to test database:

Terms, definitions and abbreviations used

The following terms, definitions and abbreviations are used in the HMS Servio program:

DB Database
Full name Surname, name and patronymic
FR Fiscal registrar
Standard Standard of Operation
Guest statuses
Abbreviations Designation in tables Name on the guest card Description
NRC New card – reservation It is set during the room booking process and is valid until the procedure is completed
RES Triangle-blue.png Reservation It is set upon completion of the initial booking and is valid until the next status is assigned (STM, NSh, CAN)
NSC New card- settlement It is set when the procedure for a new direct check-in is initiated for the current date (bypassing the booking) and is valid until the procedure is completed
STM Settlement It is set upon completion of the direct settlement procedure and is valid until the next status is assigned (InH, CAN)
InH Triangle-green.png In house It is set for a guest who has checked into a hotel and is valid until the guest checks out (EVTstatus)
NSh Triangle-yellow.png No show It is set if the guest has not checked into the hotel within the time specified in the reservation card. Valid until the next status is assigned (STM, CAN)
CAN Triangle-grey.png Canceled It is set after guest card cancellation
EVT Triangle-brown.png Checked out It is set after guest check-out (evicted)

Authorization in the program "HMS Servio"

Each employee working with the program is given an account with authorization parameters - login and password - which are entered in the authorization window.

Authorization in the program <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Authorization in the program

Access to the hotel(-s) and workstations with equipment assigned to them (cash desks, locking systems) is determined by the rights settings of a specific user.

You are given 5 attempts to enter your login and password correctly, after which the account is blocked and a corresponding message appears on the screen. Send a request to the support service indicating your full name.

Caution.png Only the support service can unblock the account, so any actions you take - restarting the browser, rebooting the computer, etc. - are meaningless.

Navigating the program menu

After authorization in the program, a window with a menu and a room calendar page opens. You can choose the menu type — collapsed or expanded.

Вид меню <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Menu view

In a collapsed menu, only icons are visible. When you hover over an icon, a list of menu items opens. In expanded form, the menu is shown in full.

Switching is performed by the buttons Menu expand.png (expand menu) / Menu collapse.png (collapse menu).

Basic operations with a guest

All basic operations with the guest - booking, check-in, relocation, check-out, cancellation - can be conveniently performed fromroom calendar. The program has 2 room calebdars: "Room calendar" and "Hourly room calendar". The only difference is in the scale: in the hourly Room calendar the scale is larger, so it is more convenient to reservation/check-in for a short time.

Reservation/check-in from room calendar <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Reservation/check-in from room calendar
Clipboard.png In the room calendar, you can collapse/expand the list of rooms in it by clicking on the category name. Therefore, if suddenly all the numbers in a category have disappeared, click on the category name to expand the list of rooms.

Guest reservation/check-in. Guest card

To book/check in a guest, left-click on the cell with the desired room (or bed in the room) and check-in date and, without releasing, drag to the right until the estimated check-out time. The exact check-in/check-out time of the guest is not important here, it is specified in the next step.

Initial reservation/check-in details <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Initial reservation/check-in details

In the window that opens:

  • specify the dates and time of arrival/departure;
  • enter quantity «A/Ch/PCh» (Adults, Children, Children with payment);
  • checkbox «By bed». Set if the room is sold by bed and the guest(s) do not occupy the entire room. If the flag is not set, the program will occupy the entire room and calculate the cost for the entire room;
  • enter«*Full name» of a guest and his/her contact phone.

Next, click:

  •    Check-in  , if the guest is standing in front of you and is ready to move into the room;
  •    Book  , if the guest's check-in is planned later.

The guest card will open.

Guest card <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Guest card


  1. Reservation period — dates and times of check-in/check-out. The cost of accommodation depends on the duration.
  2. Reservation parameters. The cost also depends on the number of occupied beds in case of settlement by bed.
  3. Check the selected price list. For some categories of guests, a separate price list is provided. If necessary, select the desired one from the list.# After checking all the parameters affecting pricing, compare the calculated cost of accommodation with the printed price list. You can click the Charge.png button to view automatically calculated prices.# If necessary, enter a comment in the guest card.
  4. Subsidized documents for accommodation are scanned and uploaded to the card in the "Business trip authorization form" field: click on the    Upload file   button, select the file with the scan on the disk, then click on the [[File:btn_add_task.gif|20px|link=] button to upload the file to the server. You can open the file for viewing at any time.
  5. Must! Click the button   Finalize reservation.gif  Сomplete the reservation   or the button   Finalize settlement.gif  Complete check-in  . Until the button is pressed, the reservation or check-in is considered incomplete and no charges will be calculated.

At the bottom of the card there is information about the staff who performed the main actions with the card - reservation, check-in, check-out, cancellation, last changes - as well as the date and time of these actions. All operations on working with the card are recorded and can be seen in the log, opened by the button   History.gif  Show history  .

Unsaved cards

If the reservation or check-in is not completed — the completion buttons are not pressed — the guest card is still created and can be found in the table "Unsaved cards". Therefore, if you were distracted and you lost the card you started, open the menu item "Unsaved cards".

Unsaved cards of guests and groups. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Unsaved cards of guests and groups

You can cancel an unsaved card if you no longer need it, or open the card to continue working with it.

Waiting list

There are situations when a guest asks to reservation a room for a certain date, but there are no available rooms for this date. In this case, the guest is given a reservation and transferred to the waiting list, since there is a chance that someone who has reservated earlier will refuse to check in, the room will become available and you will be able to contact the guest and offer him to check in to the hotel. The program constantly monitors the contents of the waiting list and physically deletes entries that have become irrelevant without the possibility of recovery. If you accidentally moved a guest to the waiting list, go to the list — "Basic / Reservation / Waiting list", — find the desired entry and click on the button View.png (Jpen guest card). After moving to the guest card, finish working with the guest.

Waiting list. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Waiting list

Check-in of a previously reservated guest

If the room is booked in advance, then to check in a guest, right-click on the reservation and select "Check in" from the menu.

Check-in of a guest from a room calendar <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Check-in of a guest from a room calendar

The guest card will open, in which you need to perform the actions described in the previous section.

Extension of stay, reinstatement of check-outed guest

If a guests extend their stay at the hotel, they must extend their stay in the program.

If the guest reports an extension before check-out, click on the «*Check-in/Check-out» field, enter the new check-out date and time in the calendar that opens, and click on the    OK   button. The program will recalculate the cost of the stay. If the cost has changed, a warning message will appear on the screen. Go to the "Accruals" tab and and recalculate the charges by clicking on the   Recalculate pays2.gif  Recalculate accruals   button or manually add an accrual for the required amount.

Extending a guest's reservation. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Extending a guest's reservation

If the guest has already checked out, but the room/bed is not occupied, you can extend his or her stay by restoring correspondent guest card. In the menu item "Basic / Check Out", find the desired guest in the table and click on the button BtnApply.png. The guest card with the restored status will open In house, in which adjustments can be made.

Guest card restore. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Guest card restore


Relocation of reservated and staying guests is possible both from the room calendar and from the guest card. The card of the relocated guest is displayed in the room calendar as two rectangles with "torn" edges on the right (check-in number) and on the left (relocation number).

Relocation in the calendar

In the room calendar, you can use two methods: by dragging the guest block or in the menu by right-clicking.

Relocation. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)

Relocation by dragging. Left-click on the rectangle with the graphic image of the guest card and drag the rectangle vertically to another room. A window with the details of the relocation will open, in which the following parameters are important:

  • «*Payment category» — defines the cost of accommodation. When moving to a room with a different payment category, the program will recalculate the charges. Therefore, if recalculation is not planned, select the initial room category from the list;
  • «*Room category» — the room category you are moving the guest to;
  • «*Room» — the number of the room selected for relocation. The Btn room.png button displays a list of rooms available for relocation in the current category (uncleaned rooms are displayed with a blue background) and, if the target room is in another category, the rooms available in it (displayed with a yellow background).

Relocation from a guest card. First, select the room category to be relocated, then click the Btn room.png button and select a room from the list.

Caution.png When relocating, the method of settling the guest is important - the entire room or by bed. If the method of settling in the initial and target rooms is the same, no conflicts arise.

Relocation from a room "by bed" to a room "in full" with the «By bed» flag set is not possible. The flag must be removed first. If the guest is relocated no later than 2 hours after check-in, a conflict situation does not arise. Otherwise, after relocation, a conflict may be displayed in the initial room. In this case, the conflict is not critical.

In case of moving from a room "entirely" to a room "by bed", the flag «By bed» is not set automatically. Set it manually if necessary, and also check that the beads are occupied correctly.

Guest check out

Eviction caution EN.png

After the guest's stay is over, they must be checked out. Check the payment of invoices, the absence of unpaid accruals, open accounts for which the guest is the payer. If all the data is correct, find the guest in the room calendar, right-click on the graphic display of the reservation and select "Check out" in the menu that opens (see figure). You can also check out in the menu item "Basic / Check out".

Caution.png If the accommodation is paid for (is the payer) by a company or group, rather than a guest, the guest may have an open and even unpaid invoices. This situation is not an error.

When checking out, the program performs the checks described above. If any discrepancies are found, the guest is not checked out, and a corresponding message appears on the screen. It indicates that the guest has unpaid accruals or unpaid/unclosed invoices.

Open the guest card by clicking on the button    ОК  , go to the "Accruals" tab and complete all necessary actions with invoices/accruals.

Transferring part of the payment to a future reservation

There are situations when a guest reservation and pays for a room for several days, but due to a change in plans, leaves earlier than planned, and asks to transfer the remaining payment for the stay to a specific future period (for example, a guest arrived for a court hearing, and the hearing of his case was postponed to other dates).

To transfer part of the payment, proceed as follows:

  • if one check is generated for the total amount of accommodation, you need to:
    1. Make a full refund.
    2. Make payment for the current stay.
    3. Add a reservation for a future period.
    4. Pay for a future period reservation.
  • If the invoices and, accordingly, receipts are divided by stay periods, make a refund only for the invoices of the period being transferred. Then add and pay for the future period reservation.

Search for a guest, including a cancelled one

The guest card can be found in the room calendar, but it is much more convenient to use the special search mode.

Please note that depending on the type of object and the type of payer on the invoice, the search is performed from different program modes:

  • by object type:
    • guest and guest group cards — menu item "Basic / Search" or the "Search" tab (see figure);
    • activity cards — menu item "Basic / Events";
  • by payer on the invoice:
    • guest, group — menu item "Basic / Search" or the "Search" tab (see figure);
    • activity — menu item "Basic / Activities";
    • company — menu item "Accounting / Companies".

Let's look at searching for guest and group cards. The search window is duplicated in the menu item — "Basic/Search" and in the "Search" tab.

Guest search. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Guest search

Based on experience, the main parameters for searching a card are:

  • «Account» — personal account number;
  • «Full Name» — last name and/or first name and/or patronymic of the guest;
  • «Room type» — room category. You can select several room categories;
  • «Status» — guest card status. A very convenient criterion for searching for cancelled guests;
  • «Source» — Reservation source filled in the corresponding field of the guest card. You can specify several values. Convenient for searching for guests reservated in the website or through a reservation system;
  • «Invoice No» — invoice numbers for payment.

If a search criterion is not specified, it is not taken into account and the search is performed for all values ​​of the criterion.

As for the cancelled guest, only a user with extended rights can restore the card. Therefore, you need to contact the support service or the regional manager.


For all guests, questionnaire data is filled out and a registration card is printed.

The entered questionnaire data for all guests - personal information, ID cards - are stored in HMS Servio and are available at all hotels. If a guest has stayed before, their questionnaire can be attached to the current stay, including ID card data, rather than being entered again.

Go to the "Questions" tab in the guest card. The program will automatically start searching for guests with the data specified in the card and display a list in descending order of match accuracy (see figure).

Search for guest questionnaire. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Search for guest questionnaire

If your guest is found in the list, click the BtnAssignDocument.png button to add a questionnaire and attach a document or the BtnAddClient.png button to add a questionnaire without documents (if the guest already has other identity documents).

If the guest is not found in the list, click the   BtnAddClient.png  Add profile   button and enter the questionnaire data manually. Please note the different buttons for saving the entered data (see picture):

  • each completed document is saved by clicking the    Save   button;
  • information entered in the main part of the questionnaire is saved by clicking the   Save.gif  Save   button.
Filling out the questionnaire manually. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Filling out the questionnaire manually

Registration card

The guest must sign the registration card.

If the guest has stayed before, their questionnaire was found, and you linked it to the current stay, you can print out the completed form. If you need to fill in all the information about the guest, it is recommended to print out a blank form or give the guest a pre-prepared form to fill in manually. The template (printed form) is selected from the list (see figure).

Registration card. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Registration card

Basic services. Accruals, invoices, payment/refund

After a guest has reservated/checked in, the program automatically calculates and creates accruals for the stay for payment. Go to the "Accruals" tab (see figure).

Adding accruals

In the "Unpaid" area, you will see automatically generated charges. Check the charge amounts.

Tab "Accruals". <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Tab "Accruals"

If the guest needs to add additional services, enter them manually:

  1. Select the required accrual from the “Services” list (see 1 in the figure).
  2. Enter quantity, check the amount (see 2, 3 in figure). In some cases, editing the amount is impossible.
  3. Click on the   Add.gif  Add   button (see 4 in the figure).

The service will be added to the list of unpaid accruals.

Features of entering service dates

Some services/goods are provided one-time (for example: laundry, store goods, minibar); the period of their provision may not be entered, it will automatically be equal to the date and time of the service. Other services (for example: accommodation) have a period of provision, it is equal to the period of stay at the hotel; the period of their provision must be entered. Therefore, pay attention to the parameters "Service date" and "Period of provision".
"Service date". Or the date of service consumption. The service can be entered either for one date or for a period - in this case, the service will be charged for each day of the period.

"Provision Period":

  • if the service date has a period of several days (for example, Accommodation), then the period of provision is entered for the first hotel day and will automatically extend to all service dates;
Manual entry of accrual using the example of accommodation <Ctrl+Left Click>
Manual entry of accrual using the example of accommodation
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
  • if you need to enter a service in one amount for the entire period of provision (for example, Activity), then "Service Date" is entered as a single date, and "Period of Provision" is entered as an extended period from beginning to end of the event
Entering the accrual manually using the example of an activity <Ctrl+Left Click>
Entering the accrual manually using the example of an activity
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)

Control of entered dates

If the accrual is entered in the object cards with the period of service provision (the period of stay of the guest/group, holding of the event), and the setting does not allow entering services outside the period of service provision, then both the date-time of the service and the date-time of the period of service provision must be within the range of service provision (stay). The parameters are controlled and highlighted in color at the bottom of the adding window:

  • are not highlighted separately if the dates and times are entered correctly;
  • in orange - warning - if the date-time of the service or the entered period for the provision of the service does not match the default values, but does not go beyond its boundaries;
  • in red if the date and time of service consumption or the entered period of its provision extends beyond the guest’s stay or the provision of the event:
    • if the service date is entered incorrectly, the charge will not be entered and an error message will appear, for example, “The consumption date is not included in the guest’s stay date range”;
Manual input of accrual. Error in consumption date <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Manual input of accrual. Error in consumption date
    • if the period is entered incorrectly, a warning will follow and you can refuse to add the service or agree to the automatic change of the consumption period.
Caution.png The program generates accruals automatically based on many factors: room payment category, stay duration, number of guests, etc. Do not delete charges calculated by the program without need, because if the input parameters for the calculation change, only auto-charges can be automatically recalculated. Charges added manually are not recalculated by the program.

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the calculation, please contact the support service or your manager.

Caution.png For correct printing of the guest's period of stay in the invoice, as well as correct uploading to the accounting program, the values ​​"Period from", "Period to" and the date and time of service consumption must be entered in the accrual.

In the accruals calculated automatically, there are always values ​​(see figure).

Automatic accruals with entered period of residence <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Automatic accruals with entered period of residence

Invoice creation

Select the accruals that you want to include in the invoice in the list of unpaid accruals (all charges are selected by default) and click the button   Make account.gif  Create invoice   (see figure). The invoice card window will open (see figure). Make sure to compare the payer on the invoice with the guest's personal account card number. If the guest pays for the stay themselves, the number must match.

Invoice creaton. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Invoice creation


Check the accruals in the invoice and the final cost. If everything is correct, save the invoice by clicking the button   Save.gif  Save  . To pay, go to the “Payment/Refund” tab (picture).

Invoice card. Payment. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Invoice card. Payment

The invoice can be paid in full or in part, including by different payment methods. For example, part of the amount in cash, the remainder by bank card. In case of partial payment, the payment amount is entered in the "Payment amount" field.If you made a mistake with the payment method, process the refund, then pay with the correct method.

Ask the guest about the payment method. Be sure to wait for the payment! Only after you have received the cash in hand or made sure that the check has been approved by the bank terminal, select the payment type - Cash or Credit card - and click the button   Pay.gif  Pay  .

Carefully check the amount on the check (see picture) and click on the    Confirm   button.

Invoice card. Receipt printing confirmation. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Invoice card. Receipt printing confirmation

A receipt is always printed: both for cash and for a bank card.

Caution.png If there is a failure during payment, a message on a red background "No connection with the cash register" or another error message appears, do not reprint the check! Typical abnormal situations when working with the cash register are described in p. 11.

After payment, the invoice must be closed by clicking   Close account.gif  Close invoice  .

Recalculation of charges (change of period, extension of stay)

If the guest's stay period changes, as well as in some other cases, the cost of accommodation may change. In this case, when saving the card, the following message will appear: "Attention! These changes will lead to a change in the cost of the guest's stay. If necessary, use the recalculation of accruals".

Accruals will be recalculated automatically. However, it is possible to recalculate accruals manually, but only for automatically calculated accruals.
Accruals entered manually are not recalculated automatically.

Go to the "Accruals" tab and click on the button   Recalculate pays2.gif  Recalcute accruals   (see 1 in figure). The "Accrual recalculation" window will open.
The accruals included in the invoices are highlighted in green.

Accrual recalulation. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Accrual recalculation

If prices have changed, then select all accruals (see 2 in the picture) and click the   Recalculate prices.gif  Price recalculation   button (see 3 in the picture). The program will calculate prices in accordance with the updated data for the guest's stay.

Then select all accruals again (see 2 in the picture) and click the   Recalculate pays2.gif  Accruals recalculation   button (see 4 in the picture). The program will recalculate accruals in accordance with the changes in the guest card (see picture).

If the prices have not changed, there is no need to recalculate them (see 3 in the picture). It is sufficient to recalculate only the charges (see 4 in the picture).

Close the "Recalculate Accruals" window by clicking the X button. The accruals will be added to the "Unpaid Accruals" area.

Next, following the standard procedure, you generate and pay the invoice.

Splitting the payment between guests

In some cases, guests staying in the same room ask to split the payment between them. In the program, this operation can be performed in two ways: split the charges or split the bill. It makes no sense to use splitting the bill for the purpose of transmitting the acts of confirmation of stay to the guests, since the accounting department generates the act based on the bill and, if the payment is made by all guests on the same bill, even with separate checks, the act will still be one.

Caution.png In any case, splitting an account is only possible if there are no receipts on the account.

If the act is not required, and guests only need to be given the bills, you can print the form in an editor - Word, Excel (see figure) - and correct the documents manually.

Output of the printed form to the editor for subsequent correction. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Output of the printed form to the editor for subsequent correction

Splitting accruals

Mark the accrual that needs to be divided between guests (you can select the accrual both at the initial stage and during the division process) and click the button   Charge divide.gif  Split accruals   (see 1 in figure).

Splitting accruals between guests. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Splitting accruals between guests

Splitting accruals between guests

If you did not mark the accruals for splitting at the initial stage, mark them in the "Splitting accruals" window, check the number of parts into which you need to split them and click the    Apply   button (see 2 in the figure).

The following window "Splitting accruals" will open to manage the amount and split the amount between guests. By default, the program offers to split the amount of selected accruals into a specified number of parts equally. However, you can change the input parameters (see 3 in the picture). In any case, the amount of selected accruals will be split. When finished, click the   Finalize.gif  Finish   button.

As a result of the division, each of the selected accruals will be divided into the parts you specified: the amounts of the initial charges will be reduced and new accruals will be created for the remaining amounts. Create several invoices, marking the required accruals for each invoice.


If the guest cancels the stay or if there is an error in the payment type, a refund operation must be carried out.

Proceed to account editing by clicking on the Edit.png button in the list in the row with the required invoice. If the invoice was closed, open it by clicking on the   Open account.gif  Open invoice   button in the invoice card.

Important! Refunds are generally made using the same payment method. If you require a refund using a different payment method, please contact our support team.

To make a refund, go to the "Payment/Refund" tab. Click on the payment receipt in the list of receipts (see 1 in the picture). The receipt will be highlighted with a pink background and the list of accruals will display the accruals paid with the selected receipt. If the refund is partial, leave a mark only next to the accruals for which the refund is made (see 2 in the picture). Check the payment type and the amount of items to be refunded in the right part of the window.

Возврат средств. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)

Click on the button   Money back.gif  Return payment  .

A window will open with information about the return and a request for a reason for cancellation. Check the return receipt and select a reason for cancellation. If necessary, enter a comment (see picture).

Information on the return receipt. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Information on the return receipt

A receipt for the return of the receipt will be printed on the cash register and a return receipt will be generated in the System.

If the refund was made due to an incorrectly selected payment type, generate a payment receipt again, but with the correct type.

On the “Invoice Card” tab, you can upload scans of the documents on the basis of which the refund was made on the field "Invoice documents": a statement from a guest, a memo, etc..

In any case, after finishing working with the invoice, it must be closed.

Caution.png An invoice cannot be closed if it has a non-zero balance or if there are unpaid accruals.

If the refund was made due to the guest refusing the services and the amount on the invoice is zero, the unpaid accruals must be removed from the invoice.

Printing an invoice

If the guests requests a document confirming their stay, go to the "Print Invoice" tab (see picture). An "Invoice for Payment" document will be generated automatically. Print it (see 3 in picture) and stamp it.

If you do not have a seal, a template with the organization's seal and the manager's signature can be prepared.
Documents can be printed in different forms. Select the desired template (see 1 in the picture), generate a new document by clicking the   Make account.gif  Generate report   button (see 2 in the picture) and print it.
To develop a print template, contact the support team.

Invoice card. Printing invoice. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Invoice card. Printing invoice

Additional services without guest accommodation (target accounts)

In addition to accommodation services, hotel guests may be provided with additional services or sold related goods without registering the guest's stay. In this case, payment should be made through target accounts.

On the main page, go to the “Target accounts” tab and select the “Additional services” account type (see figure).

Target accounts. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Target accounts

The "Accruals" tab will open, similar to the accruals in the guest card (see figure). The procedure is also no different from adding accruals manually in the guest card with subsequent invoice generation and payment.


Activities are a service for holding various meetings: conferences, seminars, lectures, etc.

The activity venues are entered in the "Sales/Services and activities/Activities" submodule, where information on the venues' work schedule is filled in, data on seating types with the maximum number of people, standard sets of equipment and consumables, previously entered in the "Sales/Hotel inventory" submodule, are entered. Access to the Sales submodule is set in user roles.


In the room calendar on the “Room calendar 2.0” or “Hourly room calendar” tab (more convenient for short-term reservation), you create a reservation in the usual way (see picture).

Activity reservation. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Activity reservation

In the activity card you need to:

  • enter the activity periods, indicating the start time and duration. Periods may refer to different days or to the same day (see 1 in the figure);
  • enter the name of activity (see 2 in the figure);
  • to check up the selection price-list (see 3 in the figure). Price list may be as general as created special for activities;
  • if necessary, enter the activity kits (see 4 in figure).

When finished, you need to save the activity card by clicking the   Save.gif  Save   button (see 5 in the picture).

Activity card. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Activity card

After saving, the accrual is automatically generated for the cost specified in the price list, regardless of the specified duration. If necessary, delete the automatically calculated accrual and enter accrual with the same code for the correct amount manually.

Operations with accruals are similar to those for a guest card and target accounts: invoicing, payment, entering manual accruals.

Reservated activities are displayed in the room calendar (see figure).

Activity displaying in room calendar. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Displaying an activity in the room calendar

When the activity is finished, click on the button   Close account.gif  Close account   to finish working with the activity card.

Cash register, cash journal

All service operations with the cash register (fiscal registrar), the bank terminal if integrated into the system, as well as the formation of the cash journal are performed in the menu "Basic/Journal" (see figure).

Cash register. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Cash register

The screen form is divided into two areas: the upper one is for generating a cash journal, the lower one is for service operations with a fiscal registrar and an integrated (connected to a computer) POS terminal.

Cash register journal

Fiscal receipts are generated and printed for all cash and bank card transactions. As soon as you click the   Pay.gif  Pay   button (or   Money back.gif  Return payment  ) on the invoice card, the System, depending on the payment type, sends a command to the connected devices:

  • cash - to the CR for creating and printing a check;
  • bank card:
    • integrated POS terminal - first to the bank terminal for card payment; after successful payment - to the CR for creating and printing a receipt;
    • autonomous POS terminal - for CR for creating and printing a receipt.

Upon completion of the operation, the CR returns a response to the "System" about the result. In case of a positive result, the "System" generates a check. All transactions with checks are reflected in the cash journal.

To view the cash journal, select a shift from the list. If you are interested not only in the totals by transaction types, but also in specific receipts, set the "Details" option. Click the   Generate report.gif  Generate new report   button.

Service operations with CR and POS-terminal

Caution.png If there are no elements in the "Working with the fiscal registrar" area, then there was some kind of failure. Possible causes are described in the section "No payment button in the invoice"

In your work you use the following functions:

  • "Basic Operations":
    •   Print x report.gif  Print X-report   — interim report receipt with the amount of transactions from the beginning of the shift. The amount in the X-report must match:
      • with the amount of cash in the cash drawer;
      • with the amount received by bank cards;
      • with the report "Cash register" (see Cash register);
    •   Finalize session.gif  Close shift   — command to close a shift with printing of a Z-report. Closing a shift by CR (and bank terminal) must be done before the end of the day! Therefore, preparation begins at 11:30 – 11:45 PM:
      • check the cash register, for which, print out the "X-report" and "Cash register". Check all amounts with the reports, recount cash, as well as checks from the terminal for bank cards.
    • there is no need to execute the shift opening command, since the shift opens automatically when the first check is printed.
Caution.png If there were no cash transactions during the shift, do not close the shift!
  • "Operations with a bank terminal" - when working with an integrated terminal (reports are not printed, but sent to the bank, where they are available to the accountant in the personal account):
    •   Terminal x report.gif  X-report   — interim report receipt with the amount of transactions from the beginning of the shift;
    •   Terminal z report.gif  Z-report   — shift closing. Shift closing by terminal is carried out simultaneously with shift closing by fiscal registrar.
  • "Changing the time of the fiscal registrar". If you see a discrepancy in the time in the receipts generated in the "System" and printed on the fiscal registrar by more than 1-2 minutes, you need to change the time on the fiscal registrar. This operation is performed after the shift is closed. Enter the current time in the field in the format "hours:minutes" (for example, 00:05) and click the button   Change time.gif  Change time  . After that, print the X-report and make sure that the change in time on the fiscal registrar has been applied.
  • "Service deposit" - if necessary, cash is deposited into the cash register to settle accounts with guests (small bills for change). This is done extremely rarely;
  • "Service take-out". The operation is performed daily at the end of the shift, if there were transactions with cash. Compare the amount of cash proceeds with the X-report and, if there are no discrepancies, enter it in this field. Click on the button   Payment in.gif  Deposit money  .;
  • "Balance correction". This field displays the current balance of the cash register - all checks punched for the shift (cash and bank cards) plus the service deposit minus the service take out. Correction of the balance amount can only be performed with the permission of the chief accountant!

Night audit

The purpose of the night audit is to close the hotel's operating day.

The night audit is not connected with closing the cash shift. Thus, if there were no transactions for the CR during the shift, the shift is not closed, but the night audit must still be conducted.

During the night audit, data is collected on check-ins and check-outs of guests with overdue dates, and a report is generated with accruals added to target accounts and accounts of guests, groups, companies, and activities.

To complete the trading day, you need to make a decision:

  • for reservations of guests who did not check into the hotel;
  • for overdue stays of guests who did not check out of the hotel;
  • about saving or deleting accruals that were not saved in the System,

and it is also necessary to check the correctness of the accruals added to the guests' accounts.

The limk= inscription appears no earlier than 12 hours after the end of the previous night audit.

To start the audit, open the menu item "Basic / Night audit" and click on the button   Start night watch.gif  Start night audit  .

Operation with room fund

Operation is carried out in the menu item "Basic / Housekeepers" on the "Service" tab (see figure).

Service. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)

The program provides three types of service:

  • “Repair” — the room requires minor repairs that do not require the room to be removed from sale;
  • “On repair not for sale” — repairs are required that prevent the room from being used;
  • "Service use" means the use of a room for the hotel's internal needs.

It is impossible to check in to the rooms "On repair not for sale"; they are not shown in the room calendar (if the repair period is longer than the room calendar viewing period) and are not displayed on the website for reservation.

The rooms "Repair" and "Service use" are not available for reservation and check-in from the room calendar, but are displayed on the website and are available for quick work from the menu items "Basic / Reservation" and "Basic/Check-in", respectively.

Adding a room to service

Select the room number, type (as described above) and scheduled service start date from the list. Save the entry by clicking   Save.gif  Save  .

If the planned date is greater than the current date, the record will receive the "Waiting" status (see figure), i.e. the room has not yet been transferred to service. The room will be automatically transferred to service on the specified date during the night audit. You can forcibly transfer the record to the "Active" status by entering the record editing and clicking the   Begin.gif  Start]   button.

Transferring the room to sale

To transfer a room to sale, open the record for editing and click on the button   End.gif  Finish  . The room will become available for reservation/check-in, starting from the end date and time.

Useful reports

Based on the results of hotel activities, different reports are generated, both for guests and statistical ones. Each report contains a set of calculation conditions for generation in various sections. Below is a list of reports that are most in demand in the work of receptionists.

If your need a new report, please contact support.

Many reports use date selection conditions:

  • "Date of act" ("Date of implementation") or;
  • "Consumption date".

The choice of value affects, practically, only the service "Accommodation" for guests with a stay that goes beyond 00:00 hours. "Consumption date" is set by the end of the calendar day - 23:59:59, the "Date of implementation" - by the end of the hotel day, as a rule, 12:00 of the following calendar day.

GR052. Cash register (Repots / Guests)

The same report as in the menu "Basic / Journal". The report is divided by cash shifts and is designed to verify payments for the current open shift or previously closed. In the detailed report, it is convenient to search for payments and by payments - guests who paid for them (see figure).

GR052. Cash register. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
GR052. Cash register

GR015. Residence for the period (Repots / Guests)

The report is designed to calculate the number of guests who stayed at the hotel during a certain period of time (see figure).

In the conditions of formation, pay attention to the statuses of the guests included in the report and to the option "Cut by report period". If the "Cut by report period" option is set, the report includes guests whose start and end dates fall entirely within the specified period.

GR015. Residence for the period. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
GR015. Residence for the period

GR059. Accrual journal (Reports / Guests)

The same report as in the Basic / Journal menu on the Accrual Journal tab. The journal displays all transactions for a given period, broken down into groups. The report is convenient, among other things, for checking the sale of related products.

GR059. Accrual journal. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
GR059. Accrual journal

GR069. Realization report (Reports / Guests)

The report displays information on the sale and payment of services and goods for a specified period. The data in the report is grouped by service groups. More details about some of the calculation conditions:

  • "Act date" or "Consumption date" (see [#Type of date|above]).
  • “In totals” option – summary information on service groups without displaying data on specific services;
  • "Only paid" option - only paid accruals. If the option is off, the report includes accruals in unpaid invoices, as well as unpaid accruals.

This report may be useful for you to check the implementation of additional services and related products (see figure).

GR069. Realization report. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
GR069. Realization report

Emergency situations and ways to resolve them

Account blocked

You are given 5 attempts to log in to the program, after which the account is blocked and a corresponding message appears on the screen.

Only the support service can unblock the account, so any of your actions - restarting the browser, restarting the computer, etc. - are pointless. Send a request to the support service indicating the hotel and your full name.

Guest card disappeared

There may be several reasons:

  1. Reservation or check-in not completed, i.e. the button was not pressed during the process of filling out the guest card  Finalize reservation.gif  Complete reservatiom   или   Finalize settlement.gif  Complete check-in  . Look for the guest card in the menu point "Base / Unsaved cards".
  2. Instead of evicting, the guest's card was cancelled - when check-out operation was processing, the button   Annul2.gif  Annul   was pressed. You can find the card through the search mode.

If the calendar day is not over, the Receptionist can restore the card independently. Otherwise, you need to contact the hotel manager or the support service.

The rooms in the category have disappeared from the room calendar

You clicked on the category name (yellow block with the category name), as a result of which the list of rooms in the category collapsed. In order to expand it, click on the category name again.

Incorrect payer on the invoice

When generating an invoice, the program automatically inserts the customer (guest) as the payer. That is, by default, the guest pays for himself. Exceptions are cases when the guest's accommodation is paid for by a group or company.

Therefore, if the payer in the guest account card is another guest, this is most likely an error. The error may be caused by inattention, for example, due to simultaneous work with different guests in two browser tabs or minimizing the guest card to perform operations with the card of another guest.

The error can be corrected by an employee with access to the menu item "Accounting / Accounts" or the support department.

The questionnaire does not save the data of identity cards

In the questionnaire, the block with certificates is implemented as a separate window. The control buttons of the main part of the questionnaire and documents are different. After entering the document details, you need to click the button    Save  . Otherwise, the entered document data will not be saved.

Not evicted / cancelled a guest

When checking out a guest, a message appears that the guest cannot be checked out because he or she does not have a zero balance.

Check the Charges tab for open invoices and unpaid accruals. All invoices for which the guest is the payer must be closed, including invoices with a fully refunded payment. All unpaid accruals must be cancelled.

There is no payment button on the invoice

There may be several reasons for the absence of the   Pay.gif  Pay   button on the invoice card: no connection with the cash register, a malfunction of the FireFox browser.

If the cash register is not a fiscal one, there is always a payment button.

Click the Ico docking.gif button in the top line of the program to the left of your hotel name. Find the entry with your hotel in the "Monitoring of docking applications" window and check for a connection to the cash register. If the CR is not connected, the message "Failed to connect to the cash register" is displayed. Follow the instructions given to you.

If the "Monitoring of docking applications" window for your hotel says "Connection to the cash register completed", then the problem is in the browser. Close the browser window with the "X" button (no need to restart the computer), wait 20-30 seconds and launch the browser again, for example, using the "Systems" launch shortcut. All closed tabs will be restored.

The payment button should appear within 1-3 minutes. If the button is still not there, contact support.

The program hangs

The program may slow down for various reasons, ranging from the browser in which you are working with the program, failures on the provider's side, and ending with the server on which the database is located.

To determine the cause and correct the situation, follow these steps:

  1. Check your internet connection: go to any open tab and refresh the page by pressing F5. If the information on the page opens, then there is an internet connection.
  2. Restart the browser - close it by pressing the "X" button and restart it after 10-15 seconds. No need to restart your computer! If the performance has not changed, check the performance.
  3. To check the performance, open the tab "Main/Performance" and click on the button    Start  . The program will conduct a test data exchange with the server and display the result in the column "Time (ms)". You can evaluate the performance by the first indicator "Request pages": the acceptable time is up to 11000 milliseconds (11 seconds). If the value is more than 11000 ms, take a screenshot, record the local time and send a message to support.
Performance check. <Ctrl+Left Click>
(click on the image to view it full screen or <Ctrl+Left Click> to view it in a new window)
Performance check
Clipboard.png Checking the speed of the Internet using special SpeedTest utilities is incorrect, because these utilities measure the exchange speed only to the first node - to the provider, and not to the server with the database.